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Viewing CSV Files

A CSV file is a file representing a table or 2D array by storing each row in its own line and separating columns with commas. For the rest of this post, I will consider a file that contains a table stored in columns separated by any delimiter, not just a comma, as a CSV file.

I sometimes need to take a peek at a large or wide CSV file—but when I try, it is very unclear what each row's columns correspond to. For example, the following CSV file from a 2019 Facebook data leak is a pile of indistinguishable gibberish. You can't tell what's what, there's no padding.

Phone Number::First Name:Last Name:Gender:Residence:Birth Place:Marital Status:Occupation:Join Date:::Email
12042029560:100028502372576:Barb:Hitching:female:Winnipeg, Manitoba:Winnipeg, Manitoba::Self-Employed:9/3/2018 12:00:00 AM::
12042029642:100023805675861:Sheldon:Fink:male:::::4/3/2019 12:00:00 AM::
12042050007:629430006:Cynthia:Brown:female:Winnipeg, Manitoba::::6/7/2018 12:00:00 AM::
12042050072:706920609:Mitchell:James:male:::::7/10/2017 12:00:00 AM::08/24
12042050077:100027346872216:Dirk:Sjoberg:male:::::1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM::
12042050085:100026825255757:Zahra:Moh:female:::::12/19/2018 12:00:00 AM::
12042050087:542043613:Brent:Lott:male:Beauséjour, Manitoba:Beauséjour, Manitoba::Self-Employed:11/4/2018 12:00:00 AM::
12042050092:100000711126229:Herb:Waldner Jr:male:Beauséjour, Manitoba:Beauséjour, Manitoba:::8/17/2015 12:00:00 AM::
12042050105:100034889205619:Sherrie Lynn:Wassing:female:::::3/20/2019 12:00:00 AM::

An easy way to remedy this problem (based off of a Stack Overflow answer) is to pipe the contents of the file into the column command and specify the flags

Then pipe that through the pager less with the flags

For your convenience, you can put the following function into your .bashrc,

csvless() {
  [ $# == 1 ]                     \
    && column -ts "$1" | less -NS \
    || echo 'usage: csvless SEPERATOR' && return 1

Such that running the command head -10 facebook-data.txt | csvless yields the results the following image shows.

example of csvless

For a remainder of less commands, use the arrow keys to move up and down by one line and to the left and right by half a screenful. Use Ctrl+B and Ctrl+F to move up and down by a half of a screenful. Q to exit. "/" (forward slash) to search for a particular word/phrase.